Photo credit: Doug Austin, Dartmouth
MileSplit U catches up with Dartmouth junior Abbey D'Agostino for a preseason update.
How did your summer training go?
Summer training went well! I'm definitely still building my base because of the later-than-usual start, but there's still plenty of time before the big meets. I lived at school with teammates all summer, so it was awesome having training partners and other people with whom I could truly enjoy the physical and mental break.
What type of mileage did you put in over the summer?
I didn't start until the week of July 16th-- started at 35 ish and increased by 5-10 miles weekly. I'm currently in the 60s.
How excited are you about your season at Dartmouth?
We're anticipating a great season for our team this year. We have incredibly talented incoming freshmen, and much fervor from the returning classes. Cross is my favorite season, too... I can't wait for brisk fall runs!
When is your first race?
Our first race is the Dartmouth Invitational on September 9th. It'll be a much more competitive meet than it has been in years past-- Georgetown, Syracuse, and UConn are among the teams attending.
What are some of your goals for this season?
I would love for the team to win Heps XC this year. There is no doubt that we have what it takes; it'll just be a matter of maintaining focus on that goal and trusting in the power of running for your teammates.
What is something your fans might not know about you?
I used to play (and love) the violin.
Do you get pre-race jitters? If so, how do you overcome them?
Yes! I get nervous before races just like everyone else. I always relax myself by visualizing success, thinking about my training, and remembering that, however the race unfolds, I have the tools to react and react well.